The Doulas of Raleigh Postpartum Doula Difference

There is something that we don’t talk about when it comes to postpartum. For those parents that have experienced it, they probably know. Yet, they’re hesitant to drop this not so pleasant truth on any pregnant person they come into contact with. For those expecting parents, waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) to meet their new baby, they might suspect and fear this about postpartum. But they don’t know who to ask, fearful of confirming what they already know is likely true. There is something about postpartum that we don’t talk about: Postpartum is lonely.

It’s not all lonely, of course. There’s the joyous meeting with this new little person that you made. The warm heft of a tiny, perfect body curled up on your chest. The heady, delicious smell of new baby. The feeling that floods your heart and spills over into rivulets running down your cheeks as you watch the perfectly still, peaceful form of your sleeping baby.

But just like that the peace is shattered and a powerful wail - that can pierce both the air and your heart - jolts you back into the present moment.

How do you get this baby to stop crying? Why is your baby crying? What is happening to your body - you seem to be leaking from everywhere - and when will it get back to normal? When was the last time you slept for more than one hour and how do people survive on such little sleep? Why are you feeling love and anger and worry and fear and joy and overwhelm and doubt and so much love and so many other feelings?

And who would possibly understand any of this???

This is where the loneliness creeps in.

Who would possibly understand any of this? Don’t people have babies all the time? Why does it look so easy on social media? Aren’t you supposed to just instinctively know how to become Super Mom the moment they hand this slippery, squalling brand new baby to you? And if you don’t, does that mean there is something wrong with you?

It is so easy to sink into the isolated, loneliness that all of these big questions and feelings can cause.

And that’s where our postpartum doulas come in.

At Doulas of Raleigh, our postpartum doulas are different. Our doulas share a common understanding of postpartum doula support and it’s core, powerful value. We understand that the importance of doula support during this time is about connection. It’s about care. It’s about showing up for our clients at a time when compassion, understanding, and companionship are needed the most. That’s the antidote to loneliness, afterall.

Your physical and emotional recovery are our top priorities.

Doulas of Raleigh postpartum doulas share the same number one goal: to ensure that your physical and emotional health are being supported and cared for.

  • We understand that you will have questions about your physical postpartum recovery. You have just birthed a baby and your body is doing things you’ve never experienced before. We’re here to assure you about what is normal and what to expect. But also to let you know when it’s time to call your doctor and seek help. Some things shouldn’t wait until that six week postpartum checkup.

  • We know that both you and your partner are probably functioning on the least amount of sleep you have ever had. You need to rest in order to heal. You both need quality sleep in order to be the best parents you can be for this new baby. Whether it’s during the day or overnight, we are here to maximize your sleep and care for your baby.

  • We have the training to spot the signs and symptoms of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. Sometimes these big emotions veer into a place that is just not normal and we want you to get help and support for that as soon as possible. We have the resources for you. Even if what you’re experiencing does not rise to the level of a mood or anxiety disorder, it’s still important to have someone who knows how to actively listen, without judgment or bias, and is prioritizing your mental health.

Your family’s supported and guided transition to life with a new baby is critical.

Your newborn’s transition to life outside the womb should feel comforting and cared for and the Doulas of Raleigh postpartum doulas are attuned to each family’s unique needs during this time.

  • We understand that there are many ways to feed a baby and we support all of them. Whether you have goals to exclusively breastfeed, to pump and introduce bottles, to offer formula, or some combination of all three, our doulas will be there to learn what is important for you and help you meet those goals. We will be right next to you as you figure these things out. And if the feeding plans change, you will always have your doulas unwavering support along the way.

  • We know that each and every family has a different vision for what life will look like with their new baby. When it comes to where your baby will sleep, how they will be soothed and comforted, and how you and your partner will approach newborn care, our doulas have the education and training to assist your unique needs.

  • We want our clients to feel confident and assured as they adjust to new parenthood. No matter how big or small the question, our doulas are there to listen, understand, and help you find the path forward. We don’t make decisions for you; we walk alongside you and support you without judgment as you discover what is best for you and your family.

You need the time to rest, recover, and bond with your new baby.

At Doulas of Raleigh, our doulas understand that your family’s physical and emotional health, along with your newborn’s transition to the early postpartum period, are the most important things. But we also are there to assit with anything else that gets in the way.

  • We want your time with your postpartum doula to be restful and relaxing. We can take care of the baby’s laundry, wash bottles, tidy the kitchen, and fix you a healthy, nourishing meal. You can put your feet up and snuggle your baby.

  • We understand that by meeting these needs, we accomplish so much else. We allow you to physically heal, to enjoy your baby, to have the peace of mind that comes with a peaceful house. We are not there to just do chores; we are there to contribute to your overall wellness.

That is the true Doulas of Raleigh difference. Our postpartum doulas know that just completing a household task list doesn’t ease the loneliness of postpartum. It’s nice to have a clean kitchen, but during this time you need so much more. You need someone dedicated to your physical and emotional well-being. You need a trusted confidante who is there to support you and build your confidence as you learn your new baby. You need that person that can lean into you, listen to you, validate and affirm you, and ease the often overwhelming journey into early postpartum. That’s what a postpartum doula does.

At Doulas of Raleigh, postpartum does not have to be lonely. We want you to feel supported, cared for, rested, and confident. You deserve to go through this with a Doulas of Raleigh postpartum doula by your side. We can make that happen for you! Contact us today.

Kelly Rutan