The Secret About Postpartum Doula Support
Do you want to know a secret? There is a little known, special secret that empowers brand new parents. It transforms the early postpartum period from a time of exhaustion, overwhelm, and isolation into a time of enjoyment, bonding, and growing confidence. I am here to tell you what that secret is.
The secret is support.
That’s it. It sounds so simple, right? But there’s more to it. The support has to be a special kind of support. It has to be credible - you need to be able to trust where this support is coming from. This support also has to be attuned to you. Support that is not meeting you where you’re at is worthless. And most importantly this support has to be unbiased and nonjudgmental. You absolutely cannot thrive when you are surrounded by judgment.
This is why the kind of support you need is postpartum doula support.
What Even is a Postpartum Doula?
I’m guessing that you might not fully understand what postpartum doulas do. Maybe you’ve never even heard of them. Or maybe you had someone tell you that a postpartum doula would come over and do things like tidy your house, wash bottles, and make lunch for you or hold your baby while you were home on maternity leave.
I’m going to stop you right there. That is NOT the true heart of postpartum doula support. And if you thought that’s what we were all about, then no wonder you haven’t been able to fully appreciate why anyone would want to invest in this service.
Let me tell you what postpartum doulas really do.
As a postpartum doula, my primary goal is to promote and protect my client’s physical and emotional recovery from birth.
I’m here to answer all those questions you will have about your changing postpartum body - what to expect, why certain parts are leaking, and how to prioritize your healing and recovery while caring for and getting to know a newborn baby. No question or subject is TMI or off topic. While those around you might be hyper-focused on this brand new baby, my focus is on you. And my focus stays on you even when your own focus is somewhere else (hint, hint, like on that baby we were just talking about).
And even more importantly, my job is also to safeguard your emotional recovery from birth. There are going to be big feelings. Big, big feelings. Feelings of intense love, feelings of doubt, feelings of guilt, feelings of worry, feelings of pride, feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. Who can you talk to about all of these feelings? Who can you trust to hear you, validate you, and normalize the feelings that seem not so normal? Your postpartum doula, of course.
Adjusting to and growing into your role as a new parent is HUGE. You do not have to do it all alone, exhausted, and unsure. A postpartum doula dedicated to your physical and emotional recovery allows you to ease into this transition rested, cared for, validated, and fully supported.
What Does it Look Like to Have Doula Support During the Postpartum Period?
Are you starting to see the full picture now?
Imagine coming home from the hospital to a postpartum doula waiting for you. All those anxieties and fears about how to care for this brand new baby melt away as your doula answers questions, teaches you some helpful soothing techniques, settles your sleeping baby, and brings you a cup of tea to sip while you tell them all about your birth story.
Imagine having a knowledgeable baby expert at your service, who can give you credible, evidence-based information when it comes to infant feeding, newborn sleeping patterns, diaper questions, the newest baby products, or whatever else is taking up brain space that day. This is not the kind of peace of mind you can get from a Google search.
Imagine knowing that you won’t be home alone all day with a baby, but instead will have a regular, scheduled visit from someone who is compassionate, caring, and in tune with your needs. Someone who you can have a real, adult conversation with when you’re tired of just talking and thinking about baby stuff all the time.
Imagine delegating all of the little things that seem to be getting in the way of resting and bonding with your baby to someone else. You trust your doula to take things off your plate - things like baby laundry, the sink full of pump parts and bottles, or the night’s meal prep. You can fully relax and focus on your baby, knowing that those other things will get done.
Imagine being able to look forward to a solid, uninterrupted nap or an overnight of maximized sleep for you and your partner because your trusted postpartum doula will be there. Sleep is critical to your physical and mental health during the postpartum period. Your doula knows this and is there to support you.
Let’s Get You Some Support!
So now that you know the secret, can you imagine going through the postpartum period any other way? You deserve the incredible, unbiased support of a postpartum doula. And we want to provide you with it. Whether you just found out you are pregnant or your baby is already here - even if they have been here awhile - reach out and let’s talk about your goals for a supported postpartum recovery. And let’s not keep this a secret any more. Don’t you think everyone should know about postpartum doulas?