One of the hardest things about working outside of the home is sometimes missing your baby’s “firsts”..their first time crawling, first time walking, or their first word. Read our blog on ways to make missing these milestones a little bit easier.
Read MoreA thought like this will stop you dead in your tracks. It will make you freeze - fear, shame, guilt washing over you in cold, dreadful waves. A thought like…what if I dropped my baby down the stairs? A thought like…what if I drove my car off a bridge with my baby in the back seat? A thought like…what if my baby drowned in the bath tub? What are these scary thoughts? And why do so many new moms have them?
Read MoreAwww Valentine’s Day. As a mom of teenagers, I’ve finally entered the phase when my babies care more about getting cards and roses from their crushes than they care about chocolates from mom. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.
I’ve entered the “letting go” phase of parenting and I’m not sure how I feel about a lot of things these days. I think about those early years with my little ones and remember that I have the honor of being their very first Valentine. That I had the privilege of showering them with unconditional love long before they worried about whether someone would ask them to “be mine.” And so this is my ode to them…my little Valentines, who are not so little anymore.
Read MoreYou took all the classes, read all the books, and listened to all the podcasts about labor and birth. You probably feel like you know everything there is to know. I’m here to tell you that at least one thing during labor will likely surprise you and make you think, “is this normal?” or “I didn’t know that!” Read this blog to learn more of the little known things that can happen during labor and birth.
Read MoreWhy didn’t anyone warn me that I was about to walk into the kind of storm that would pull me apart? A thrashing of epic proportions that would exhaust me, push me, test me, throw me over the edge. Why didn’t anyone warn me what postpartum was really like?
Read MoreSometimes I am too stubborn for my own good. This was true with how I chose to feed my babies, especially with my first baby. You see, I had bought into the belief that babies should be drinking ONLY breastmilk whenever possible, no matter what the cost. I was so strict about breastfeeding and ONLY breastfeeding that it severely impacted both my physical and mental health.
Read MoreI remember sitting in my son’s bedroom playing with him as he built with Duplo blocks. I had my sleeping newborn daughter in my arms. I was totally WINNING at this mother of 2 thing. And then my sleeping daughter woke up and started crying.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again. The season of being thankful, giving thanks, and having gratitude. It’s all around you. But what if you don’t feel thankful? What if you want to take all of that gratitude and just shove it? Does that mean there’s something wrong with you? Of course not!
Read MoreThere’s just something about seeing a pregnant lady or a new baby that makes people completely lose their filter. For some reason people will sometimes make the most unwelcome comments. Read our blog to see if someone has said some of these same outrageous things to you!
Read MoreCan I share something vulnerable with you? Can I really? Can I trust you with something that isn’t pretty and nice and easy to talk about? Can I?
Okay, here goes…
Read MoreSixteen years ago, my husband was speeding down the interstate trying to get me to the birth center. I remember gripping his hand and and yelling at him to go faster and not stop for anything. We had run to get into the car because our daughter was coming SOON. I had my nightgown on and no underwear….I really thought this baby was going to be born in our car. Long story short, I did make it to the birth center and she was born 30 minutes later. But what I wished I had done was head in to the birth center a couple of hours before. I wished I had had someone to tell me that it was time to go. Here's how you can learn from my mistakes!
Read MoreI’ll just come right out and say it. Women NEED other women,especially during pregnancy and the early days of parenting. We need them as friends, mentors, and to walk through life with us. But how do we find them? How do we create a community for ourselves? Read the blog for some ideas.
Read MoreI can feel the tears welling, my cheeks turning red, and my heart racing when I think about that moment. Fifteen years later and I still feel it like it happened this morning. I was a brand new mom with a two-month old baby. And I had never felt so judged in my life.
Read MoreEveryone tells you you don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You don’t really internalize that before your baby is here. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks. OH. You don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You can deal with that fatigue fine during the day but when the sun sets…the nighttime dread sets in. Some might even call it anxiety.
Read MoreIt hurt so bad. I couldn’t make any milk. My baby just never latched. I tried…but I failed. If any of these statements sound familiar to you, then you’ve probably heard a breastfeeding horror story. Maybe you were even the main character of such a story. But if you’re an expecting parent hoping to successfully breastfeed your baby, stories like this can be scary. And if you’re tired of being scared, this blog is for you. It’s time to change the narrative. So read on.
Read MoreDid I really have a baby with this person??? Real talk - you may find yourself asking this question in the early postpartum period. That’s because the first year of marriage with a new baby is one of the hardest years in that marriage. This is the part of postpartum that nobody plans for. In our heads, we envision two smiling parents, cradling a brand new baby between them, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. “Look, we did it. We made the most perfect baby in the world.” But the reality for many new parents looks very different. How can you navigate these sometimes choppy waters? Read on for some tips from us.
Read MoreThere I was..maybe 5 days postpartum..sprawled across my bed. My eyes were tightly closed, I was balled up in a fetal position, desperately trying to get some sleep. My parents had come to stay with us for a few days and sent me off to take a much needed nap. Except, I couldn’t sleep.
Read MoreLife is good! The baby showers have happened, the nursery is painted, and the infant car seat base is installed in your car. You just have a few weeks left before your baby is born! With that excitement also often comes with some nervousness about becoming a new dad. Let us help ease your concerns with our Top 5 Things for New Dads to Know!
Read MoreToday on the blog, guest writer Sarah DiVito shares her thoughts on the importance of affirming education for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The road to parenthood can be a challenging one for anybody. But when entering the uncharted waters of new parenthood as a queer person, there can be even more nuances to navigate. Check out today’s blog to read more about how education and preparation, notably LGBTQIA+ affirming education, can be essential tools for parents-to-be in this community.
I’ll never forget being in labor and in the car on the way to the hospital. I would have a contractiotn every few minutes and would have to focus all my attention on working through it. Believe it or not, that wasn’t even the hardest part. In between contractions, I had time to think. I started thinking, wow, this baby atually has to come out of me. That’s when the tears started rolling down my face.
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