Posts tagged postpartum
What I Needed Permission to Do

Sometimes I am too stubborn for my own good. This was true with how I chose to feed my babies, especially with my first baby. You see, I had bought into the belief that babies should be drinking ONLY breastmilk whenever possible, no matter what the cost. I was so strict about breastfeeding and ONLY breastfeeding that it severely impacted both my physical and mental health.

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You Are Not Meant To Do This Alone

I’ll just come right out and say it. Women NEED other women,especially during pregnancy and the early days of parenting. We need them as friends, mentors, and to walk through life with us. But how do we find them? How do we create a community for ourselves? Read the blog for some ideas.

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The Nighttime Dread

Everyone tells you you don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You don’t really internalize that before your baby is here. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks. OH. You don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You can deal with that fatigue fine during the day but when the sun sets…the nighttime dread sets in. Some might even call it anxiety.

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I'm Exhausted and Overwhelmed

There I was..maybe 5 days postpartum..sprawled across my bed. My eyes were tightly closed, I was balled up in a fetal position, desperately trying to get some sleep. My parents had come to stay with us for a few days and sent me off to take a much needed nap. Except, I couldn’t sleep.

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When You Don't Feel the Love

I’ve never shared this with anyone. 

When my midwife placed my baby on my chest after each of my births, I felt….nothing. Well, I definitely felt relief that labor was over.  But that moment of instantly falling head over heels in love with my new baby.. I didn’t have that... What was wrong with me???

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I Needed Someone to Check on Me Long Before Six Weeks - A Personal Postpartum Story

Now I understand why people shake their babies.” Have you ever had a thought steal into your head that was too scary to say out loud? Doulas of Raleigh Co-Owner Kelly Rutan has. Today on the blog she is sharing an intensely personal story from her postpartum experience to remind us what this time in a new mother’s life is like and to also hopefully show us what it could be like if we got the help we needed.

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You're Not a Perfect Mom And Here's Why

How many times a day have you looked at your new baby, looked around your home, and crucified yourself because you are not a perfect mom? How many times a day do you beat yourself up because this new parenthood thing is SO different from how you imagined it would be? We see you. And we’ve got something we need to say to you.

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If I Could Just....Fill in the Blanks with Overnight Doulas

What could you do with a full night of restful, deep sleep? Would you be more patient with your older kids and your partner? Would you have the energy to do more of what you wanted to do? Would you be able to ____ (fill in the blank)? It’s time to fill in those blanks and actually get more sleep. We make it happen with our overnight postpartum doulas.

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