Sometimes I am too stubborn for my own good. This was true with how I chose to feed my babies, especially with my first baby. You see, I had bought into the belief that babies should be drinking ONLY breastmilk whenever possible, no matter what the cost. I was so strict about breastfeeding and ONLY breastfeeding that it severely impacted both my physical and mental health.
Read MoreI remember sitting in my son’s bedroom playing with him as he built with Duplo blocks. I had my sleeping newborn daughter in my arms. I was totally WINNING at this mother of 2 thing. And then my sleeping daughter woke up and started crying.
Read MoreThere’s just something about seeing a pregnant lady or a new baby that makes people completely lose their filter. For some reason people will sometimes make the most unwelcome comments. Read our blog to see if someone has said some of these same outrageous things to you!
Read MoreI’ll just come right out and say it. Women NEED other women,especially during pregnancy and the early days of parenting. We need them as friends, mentors, and to walk through life with us. But how do we find them? How do we create a community for ourselves? Read the blog for some ideas.
Read MoreEveryone tells you you don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You don’t really internalize that before your baby is here. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks. OH. You don’t get much sleep after you have a baby. You can deal with that fatigue fine during the day but when the sun sets…the nighttime dread sets in. Some might even call it anxiety.
Read MoreThere I was..maybe 5 days postpartum..sprawled across my bed. My eyes were tightly closed, I was balled up in a fetal position, desperately trying to get some sleep. My parents had come to stay with us for a few days and sent me off to take a much needed nap. Except, I couldn’t sleep.
Read MoreI’ve never shared this with anyone.
When my midwife placed my baby on my chest after each of my births, I felt….nothing. Well, I definitely felt relief that labor was over. But that moment of instantly falling head over heels in love with my new baby.. I didn’t have that... What was wrong with me???
Read MoreYour baby’s first Christmas is almost here! You may be wondering what gifts to get for your baby. Take a look at our list for ideas (spoilers: it’s easier than you think to give your baby what they want).
Read MoreYou need sleep after your baby is born. While we wish this was easy as telling you to “sleep when the baby sleeps”, we all know that there are some days and some nights where your baby just won’t sleep. Instead, we urge you to have a sleep plan in place for yourself before your baby arrives. Of course, if your baby has already been born you can still implement a new sleep plan. Read our newest blog to find out more.
Read MoreIt’s 90 degrees and sunny yet again. It’s too hot to do anything but stay inside in the A/C or get into a pool, lake, or ocean. Sounds easy, right? Maybe pre-kids when you just had to get yourself ready and out the door. Now, the thought of packing up everything you need for a baby or todder for a day at the pool seems a little overwhelming. Good news! There’s plenty of ways to get your baby playing in water without ever leaving your house. Check out some of our ideas!
Read MoreApril 11-17 is Black Maternal Health Week. Take a look at the ways care providers and doulas can support Black women and help decrease Black maternal mortality rates.
Read MoreThis blog post tells you exactly what to expect as our placenta encapsulation client from the moment you sign a contract with us to several weeks after your baby is born. This includes how to store your placenta, how to get it home from the hospital, and what to expect from the 2-day encapsulatio4n process.
Read MoreTake a look at what Doulas of Raleigh Co-Owners are thankful for this year!
Read More“Did we just become best friends?!” Heck yeah you did! That’s what babies and dads/partners will be saying after checking out our best tips for bonding with their newborn. Check it out and let us know what other special bonding tips you have for new parents.
Read MoreThere can be a lot of feelings around having sex after giving birth. This post will walk you through some tips and tricks to make that first sexual encounter after baby more enjoyable.
Read MoreWill you be ready for the B I G day??? We’re talking about bringing home baby from the hospital or birth center. And with our top tips to prepare you for this momentous day, you’ll be bringing home baby like a champ. Read on.
Read MoreHaving you been pinning list after list of items for your baby registry? Are you feeling overwhelmed with including what seems like 100 hundred items? Good news! We’ve taken all the work of paring down your list into a more manageable Top 10 list. This is the third and final blog in our Top 10 Picks for Your Baby Registry series. This final list is all focused on the essential items that you need for bathing and diapering your new baby.
Read MorePIcking out items for your baby registry can feel overwhelming. That’s why we created our Top 10 Baby Registry series. This week we focus on our favorite items for Infant Sleep. It features our favorite products to help your newborn get the best and safest sleep.
Read MoreAvoid the Google rabbit-hole and check out our list of the Top 10 things you need for feeding your newborn. We cover both breastfeeding and bottlefeeding in this post. Let us know if you have a favorite item you’d add to the list!
Read MoreYou’ve probably heard about grandparents coming to visit when the new baby is born. This can be a dream when grandparents can help new parents get rest and food. You may have also heard about some grandparents who put the baby to sleep on their stomach or add rice cereal to a bottle of formula or breastmilk. Or, telling the parents what they are doing is wrong, even if its what their pediatrician told them to do. This can be more of a nightmare for new parents who start to distrust the new grandparents in caring for the new baby. Fortunately, there are ways grandparents-to-be can prepare for this new role by learning about boundaries and up to date newborn care. Check out our recommendations in this blog.
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