If I Could Just....Fill in the Blanks with Overnight Doulas

If I could just get a block of uninterrupted sleep, I’d be able to face tomorrow without dread.

If I could just get a full night of sleep, I wouldn’t keep losing my temper with my husband and my toddler.

If I could just check out for a few hours, I’d feel rested and ready to enjoy my new baby.

If you remember what it’s like to have a new baby, then you remember these feelings. The longing for sleep. The need to just be able to close your eyes and know that they could stay closed for more than 30 minutes at a time. The knowledge that with some rest and sleep, you would be a different person in the morning.

All of those “If I could just….” feelings were enough to drive you up the wall because they felt so hopeless.

But I want you to know there actually is hope. There is an answer to all of those feelings. Do you know what it is?

Overnight postpartum doulas.

Yes, they are a thing and they are magical.

With an overnight postpartum doula, you can get more sleep with a new baby. Our goal is for the whole family to get more sleep - the parents and the baby. Not familiar with the concept of an overnight postpartum doula? Here’s what that looks like.

When we arrive at your home, we’ll check in with you and see how things are going. We want to know when was the last feeding and diaper change and anything else you need us to know. We can answer any questions about newborn care, infant sleep or feeding, postpartum recovery, you name it. We also want to check in with you emotionally and really hear how YOU are doing with this whole baby thing. That’s what makes postpartum doulas different from a night nanny or baby nurse. A night nanny or baby nurse can help your baby sleep, but they are not trained to support the whole family the way a postpartum doula does.

Once we’re all caught up with the things you want us to know, then it’s off to bed. If you are breastfeeding baby, we will see you when it’s time for the next feed. Many breastfeeding parents request that we bring baby to them, help them get the feeding started, maybe bring a glass of water or late night snack, and then take baby back for a diaper change and some soothing once the feed is finished. That means you don’t even need to get out of bed! There’s no better way to maximize sleep during the early postpartum period.

Or if you are bottle-feeding or formula-feeding, we will see you in the morning. We will prepare the bottles, feed baby, take care of all those middle of the night diaper changes and soothing, and help baby sleep. You and your partner can shut your eyes for EIGHT to TEN hours, knowing that your little one is in good hands with your overnight postpartum doula. We can also fold some baby laundry, wash bottles, and tidy up the kitchen. And in the morning, we’ll give you a full report of how everything went the night before. And you’ll actually be able to take it all in because you got a great night’s sleep!

Our team of overnight doulas can be with you as much or as little as you need them. Looking for overnight support 5-7 nights a week? We can cover that. Only needing an occasional night here and there of restful, deep sleep? We do that too.

The point is, sleep is medicine. It’s a crucial part of your postpartum recovery and you shouldn’t be left wondering “If I could just….” You deserve sleep; you need sleep. It makes us better parents, partners, and people.

And with an overnight postpartum doula you can go from wondering what it would be like to get a full night’s sleep, to ACTUALLY getting it. Reach out, we’re here.