Self-Care in the Time of COVID-19

Raise your hand if you just.cant.even with this pandemic. We are over here raising our hands, too. It’s a tough time to be human and even harder for humans with mood disorders.

Now, more than ever, it is important to implement some self-care. Good news! You can do pretty much all of this from your home to help flatten the curve.

Here are our tips.

Breathe. Big, deep inhales and exhales. Stop and do this several times a day.

Get dressed each morning. Don’t stay in your PJs all day (we are all for the occasional PJ day but not as an every day thing).

Step away from social media. Otherwise you’ll go down a rabbit hole of articles and posts all about this virus. You know all that you need to know right now.

Get outside. Be in the sun. Walk around the yard. If you like working in the yard, now is a great time to plant a garden.

Call someone. Remember when we used our phones to actually call people?! Now’s a great time to bring that back and reconnect with a friend. This is especially important for those of you who are sheltering in place at home.

Write it out. Sometimes getting all those worried and anxious thoughts out of our heads and onto paper can be a good way to clear our brains.

Count your blessings. List all the things you are grateful for.

Set up a virtual party. Humans were not made to be isolated. Community is important. Have a coffee date with friends via Zoom (for groups) or FaceTime/WhatsApp/Skype (for one on one video chats).

Stay safe, friends. We will all get through this together.