You're Not a Perfect Mom And Here's Why

How many times a day have you looked at your new baby, looked around your home, and crucified yourself because you are not a perfect mom? How many times a day do you beat yourself up because this new parenthood thing is SO different from how you imagined it would be? We see you. And we’ve got something we need to say to you.

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Bottle-Feeding Baby: The How, When, and Why

At Doulas of Raleigh, we support ALL of our clients’ feeding choices - breast, bottle, formula, a little bit of everything. Today we’re tackling questions about bottle-feeding. Introducing a bottle might sound simple, but there’s probably more to it than you know. Take a look.

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If I Could Just....Fill in the Blanks with Overnight Doulas

What could you do with a full night of restful, deep sleep? Would you be more patient with your older kids and your partner? Would you have the energy to do more of what you wanted to do? Would you be able to ____ (fill in the blank)? It’s time to fill in those blanks and actually get more sleep. We make it happen with our overnight postpartum doulas.

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What You Don’t Know About Weaning: Sadness, Rage, and Hormones

Did ending your breastfeeding relationship with your baby come with some big, unexpected changes? Did you find yourself uncontrollably sad or mad or anxious? Did you think it couldn’t possibly be postpartum depression since your baby was older? Well, think again.

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Go Ahead and Treat Yo' Self: The Best Binge-Worthy Comedy Shows on Netflix

It doesn’t matter if you are a new parent in the throes of daily life with a newborn, an older mom trying to make this whole work-life balance thing happen, or just a tired human on a Friday night looking for a way to unwind: you could definitely use some laughs. Check out our favorite binge-worthy comedies currently streaming on Netflix and laugh until you cry.

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