Posts tagged birth doula
Breathing Techniques During Labor

Breathing well is one of the best ways you can can help yourself cope with your labor contractions. There are many different ways to help you or your support team guide your breath. Take a look at our blog post for more details.

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Do I Still Need A Doula If I Have A Midwife?

Postivie pregnancy test..check. Secured an amazing midwife…check. Hire an amazing doula? Ch..wait…now why do I need one if I already have a midwife? This is a common question and we answer it today in our blog!

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Ways to Augment Labor

In many cases labor progresses just fine on its own but sometimes there is a reason to augment, or enhance, labor. Augmentation of labor is different than induction of labor. Augmentation would happen after spontatneous labor is already underway. Take a look at this post to read about different ways to enhance labor.

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Emotional Support in Pregnancy and Labor

You might think that labor doulas are only there to support you during your labor. You might think labor doulas only support the physical aspects of labor. The good news is the labor doulas are so much more. Take a look at the ways you can get emotional support from labor doulas throughout your pregnancy, labor, and birth.

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What Makes Our Birth Doulas Different - Stellar Birth Support

Have you ever wondered what doulas actually DO? More specifically, what labor doulas do? Check out this blog to get a little insight and read about why Doulas of Raleigh Labor Doulas provide the best labor support in the Triangle.

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Doulas and Epidurals Can Be BFFs

Peanut butter and jelly…milk and cookies….chips and salsa….doulas and epidurals…all these things just go together! Hold up, you say, what do you mean doulas and epidurals go together?! Yep, it’s true. Check out this newest blog post to see how having both a doula and an epidural at your birth just might be a perfect pairing for you!

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