Supporting Loss

October is Pregnancy, Infant, and Child Loss Awareness Month. While no one likes to think about this, we know that 1 in 4 people experience loss during their pregnancy and about 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth. This means that it is very likely you or someone you know has experienced loss. Read more to find out how you can support others during and after their loss.

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Self Care and Mental Health

Since World Mental Health Day is coming up, we figured it would be a great opportunity to talk about self-care and mental health. The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right,” which we couldn’t agree with more. We believe that so much more needs to be done in this country to recognize the importance of mental health, provide good access to mental health services, and break the stigma surrounding mental health issues. And while those things are often beyond our control, we do want to talk about the importance of prioritizing your own mental well-being. And this often starts with self-care.

But if you think this is going to be about bubble baths and dark chocolate, it’s not.

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Kelly RutanComment
Easy Pumpkin Bread Recipe

It’s here! Fall is finally here! And this North Carolina girl is overjoyed. So I can’t think of a better time to bake up one of my favorite Fall recipes to really soak in this crisp, cool, leafy and pumpkin-flavored season. Who’s with me? If you want to get into the Fall mood this weekend, take a stab at this easy (and super delicious) pumpkin bread.

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Kelly RutanComment
What Can I Do to Prepare My Body For Labor?

Clients often ask us how they can prepare for labor. While there are many ways to prepare for labor itself (take a childbirth class, practice good breathing, go on walks, practice relaxation techniques, etc), there are many things you can do to help your body to start to prepare for labor. Take a look at our newest blog to find out how!

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Different Formula Types and How to Pick One

We know that the decision on how to feed your baby is a highly personal one and one that you put a lot of thought and emotional energy into. How you arrived at that decision might have been hard or easy. And even once you made the decision, there can still be so many factors and choices at play that the whole thing can feel so overwhelming. This can be espeically true when it comes to picking a type of formula for your baby. So today on the blog we’re breaking down all the different formula options out there to give you a little more guidance and information when it comes to feeding your baby.

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Kelly Rutan
Setting Boundaries with the Grandparents

There’s a new baby joining the family and everyone is overjoyed! Especially the grandparents! But if this is your first baby, and especially if it is the first grandbaby, you might have a few concerns over how your relationship with your own parents will change when you become a parent yourself. What if they don’t agree with your parenting choices? What if you don’t agree with theirs? Setting boundaries with family members can be tough, but we’ve got you covered. Check out today’s blog for some of our best tips.

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Kelly Rutan
Why Should I Take a Childbirth Class?

Your sister took a 12 week long childbirth class while your best friend didn’t take any class at all. Both of them tell you their way is the right way. Everyone from the hospital to Instagram influencers are telling you what they think is the right way to give birth while all you want to know is what will contractions feel like and when should you go the hospital. Good news….you can learn all that and more in one of our childbirth education classes. Take a look at our newest blog post to see why you should take a childbirth class with Doulas of Raleigh.

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A Day with a Postpartum Doula

Maybe you’ve heard of postpartum doulas? Maybe you’ve even heard how magical they are? But do you know what it looks like to have the support of a postpartum doula with you during the day? Take a look at today’s blog to get a better understanding of how postpartum doulas support new parents during their postpartum recovery.

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Kelly Rutan
Breastfeeding Affirmations - What to Say on Those Hard Days

You’ve read all the books. You’ve taken the class. You’ve watched a ton of YouTube videos and followed all the most relevant Instagram accounts. You should be fully prepared to breast or body feed your brand new baby, right? Well….let’s just say that nothing is guaranteed when it comes to your infant feeding journey. Education and support are definitely great things to invest in. But if we’re being honest, some days are just HARD, even for the most well-educated and well-prepared. So what do you do on those really tough days? Read on to find out.

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Kelly Rutan
How Can I Use A Peanut Ball During Labor?

Doulas like to say that peanut balls add a bit of magic to your labor. A peanut ball is probably one of the best tools available for your use in your labor and delivery room. This tool can help you have a smoother, quicker labor. Take a look at a few ways you can use a peanut ball during labor.

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Why Am I Shaking?!

Labor can be a wild journey and that includes times when you may shake uncontrollably. Even if you are T-Swift’s biggest fan, you really can’t just shake it off. Take a look at our newest blog to find out common moments when you might shake during labor and a few tips to help.

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Easy Green Smoothie Recipe

If you’re anything like me, when it’s already 100 degrees outside when you wake up, the idea of a big breakfast to start the day just isn’t that appealing. That’s why I’ve been loving this easy green smoothie recipe in the morning. It’s cool and refreshing, creamy, sneaks in a serving of veggies, and has an extra protein punch to keep me full until lunch. If you’re looking for an easy breakfast idea, check this out.

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Kelly Rutan
Umbilical Cord Care

When you imagine snuggling your sweet, brand new baby, you probably don’t envision a hard, dried, blackish thing stuck right in the middle of their adorable little tummy. Yet, that’s exactly what will be there for the first week or two. Yep, I’m talking about the umbilical cord stump - what’s left attached to your baby’s belly button after the umbilical cord is cut following birth. Read on to learn how to care for the umbilical cord stump.

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Kelly Rutan
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Have Two Doulas

It takes twooooo baby…it takes twoooo baby…..for me and you… takes two….two doulas that is! Doulas of Raleigh always pairs labor clients up with a team of two labor doulas. Read on to find out some of the reason why two doulas is better than one.

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Top 5 Triangle Area Splash Pads

It’s here. Summer. The days are longer, everywhere is green, the lightning bugs are out - there’s so much to love about summer in North Carolina. But - and it’s a big one - it is H O T here! When you’ve got little ones at home with you during these long summer months, a visit to the splash pad can be just the thing to beat the heat and add a little excitement to the day. So today on the blog we’re sharing our favorite area splash pads. Check them out!

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Kelly Rutan
What Are My Options for Fetal Monitoring

Most care providers will want to keep an eye on your baby while you are in labor. There are several options available for fetal monitoring. Some fetal monitoring needs to be continous and some fetal monitoring can be intermittent. Check out our newest blog post for your potential options.

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What Happens if I Have Cholestasis?

June is Cholestasis Awareness Month. Cholestasis, or ICP, is a complication of pregnancy that causes extreme itching on the hands and feet as one of the most common symptoms. While a diagnosis of ICP is serious, may people have positive birth outcomes if it is treated. Take a look at our newest blog to learn more.

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