You’ve seen the TV and movie scenes where a very pregnant woman has her water break in a spectacular fashion! It looks so obvious! While it does sometimes happen that way, most of the time it is a little more subtle and can be a ittle tricky to identify. Read our newest blog post to find out a few things to try to find out if you really are leaking amniotic fluid.
Read MoreMoving during labor can help decrease contraction pain, facilitate the labor process, and help your baby become more enganged into your pelvis. Read on to find out some ways to move throughout your labor (yes, even with an epidural!)
Read MoreAfter a few hours of labor it will be time to go to the hospital. Read this blog to find out what to expect once you arrive.
Read MoreBreathing well is one of the best ways you can can help yourself cope with your labor contractions. There are many different ways to help you or your support team guide your breath. Take a look at our blog post for more details.
Read MoreAccording to data from a 2018 study, nearly 42% of first time mothers were scheduled for an induction. Sometimes those inductions were medically necessary and sometimes the birthing person chose to schedule an elective induction. You may find yourself discussing and scheduling induction with your care provider for a number of reasons. Regardless of the reason, we have some tips to help your induction be a better experience for you and your partner.
Read MoreThe Welcoming Hour, sometimes called the Golden Hour, begins as soon as your baby is born. Read our newest blog post to find out what to expect and what you can do to get maxium benefits for you and your new baby during this first hour of your baby’s life.
Read MorePostivie pregnancy test..check. Secured an amazing midwife…check. Hire an amazing doula? Ch..wait…now why do I need one if I already have a midwife? This is a common question and we answer it today in our blog!
Read MoreOctober is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Unfortunately, there seems to be a stigma and maybe a shroud of secrecy surrounding loss. Everyone deserves support but it seems as though no one knows how to support others through their loss. This is unfortunate as 1 in 4 people experience this kind of loss at least once in their life time. We’ve gathered some ways to show support.
Read MoreLabor Day weekend is here and some folks have been preparing to travel to squeeze in one last beach or lake trip, preparing to host a cookout for family and friends, or just preparing to have a nice long weekend at home. We thought Labor Day weekend was a great time to talk about preparing for your very own Labor and Birthing Day!
There are 4 main things to consider when preparing for labor and birth: think about the birth experience you’d like to have, choosing a care provider, educating yourself, and hiring a doula!
Read MoreWhether you’ve labored for a few hours or a few days, there’s nothing like finally getting to meet your baby. Here’s what to expect from the moment your baby is born until the first hour after their birth.
Read MoreIn many cases labor progresses just fine on its own but sometimes there is a reason to augment, or enhance, labor. Augmentation of labor is different than induction of labor. Augmentation would happen after spontatneous labor is already underway. Take a look at this post to read about different ways to enhance labor.
Read MoreCheck out this blog post to see what you can expect during labor if your Group Beta Strep (GBS) screening is positive.
Read MoreFather’s Day is just around the corner so we thought it was a great time to talk about how labor doulas support Dads/birth partners during labor. Doulas are not just for the laboring person! Check out all the ways a labor doula can support the dad-to-be!
Read MoreYou might think that labor doulas are only there to support you during your labor. You might think labor doulas only support the physical aspects of labor. The good news is the labor doulas are so much more. Take a look at the ways you can get emotional support from labor doulas throughout your pregnancy, labor, and birth.
Read MoreYou just had your first labor contraction….now what?! Don’t immediately head to the hospital, you’ve likely still got several hours at home. And don’t worry if you’ve suddenly forgotten everything you learned in childbirth class and everything you’ve read about labor. We’ve got you covered; take a look at our post for our suggestions for early labor at home.
Read MoreApril 11-17 is Black Maternal Health Week. Take a look at the ways care providers and doulas can support Black women and help decrease Black maternal mortality rates.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what doulas actually DO? More specifically, what labor doulas do? Check out this blog to get a little insight and read about why Doulas of Raleigh Labor Doulas provide the best labor support in the Triangle.
Read MoreWith many hospitals trying to reduce Cesarean rates more providers are offerering assisted vaginal births as an alternative. Assisted vaginal births can be done with the use of forceps or a vacuum extraction. Read more to learn about the details of these types of birth.
Read MoreWhether this is your 1st baby or your 3rd, it’s normal to be apprehensive about potential tearing during birth. While we don’t have a crystal ball about who will and won’t tear we DO have a few tips to help minimize the chance. Take a look at this post for a few suggestions to help keep your perinuem intact.
Read MoreApril is Cesarean Awareness Month. With nearly 32% of all births resulting in C-sections we want everyone to know that they still have options during a C-section. Check out this blog post to find out your options during a planned Cesarean birth, an unplanned Cesarean birth, and an emergency C-section. Having a belly birth may change some things about your birth but you do still have some options.
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